Friday, January 17, 2014

2 Timothy 1:7

Wow - is all I can say at this point.  My first blog and I don't even know that I will be able to post, but as you can see by my favorite verse, 2 Timothy 1:7, I must go on without fear.  I have had many favorite verses over the many years of my life, but this verse has been my "go to" lately. 
 "For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline."  NLT

There have been many struggles in my life and I am happy to say that God has brought me though all of my struggles.  I look back in my life on the times when I felt alone and afraid, only to realize that God was there all the time.  His presence has been my refuge for so many years.  When I was younger I though that as I aged, life would be easier.  I am able to testify that in this life there will always be problems and concerns, but this I have learned; that God's gifts of power, love, and self-discipline are mine for the taking.  I am looking forward to my new online Bible Study and feel certain that this favorite scripture will be used daily as I work to increase my craving for God.


  1. What a wonderful and inspiring verse for this study! Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to doing this study with you!

    1. Thanks Sarah, was petrified to try it but roused up that spirit of power. FYI I am somewhat technologically impaired. LOL Looking forward to studying with you too.

  2. We do indeed suffer from struggles and Our Father is right there to grab onto us when we give ourselves over to Him. Love the verse that you shared and oh how I want to walk in that spirit of power, love and self-discipline!! Thanks for sharing!!

    Trish (OBS small group leader & blog hop team)
