Friday, January 24, 2014

I Need a Fainting Spell - Psalm 84:2

When asked to break down a scripture - I immediately feel challenged, but encouraged.  Challenged to get it right, but encouraged that I get to express what God's word is saying to me.  I read several versions of this scripture, but the one that stuck with me is from the NLT

  "I long, yes, I faint with longing to enter the courts of the Lord.  With my whole being, body, and soul, I will shout joyfully to the living God."

There are several words that jump out at me when I read this verse.  First the word "I". I personalizes this verse, it means me; not someone else, not my wonderful husband, not my minister, not my friends, me and me alone.  I am responsible for this personal and intense relationship with the living God. This relationship can only grow with my commitment to Him.  This commitment will lead to "longing", the second word of my focus.  Longing is defined by as strong desire or craving, characterized by persistent of earnest desire.  Can I honestly say that I crave the presence of the Lord in a persistent manner?  Honestly, right now, at this time the answer has to be no.  I look at how even during this past week I have allowed frustration to lead me astray from the craving of His presence.  I am a work in progress and my prayer must be to persistently, with earnest desire, seek His face in all that I do and in every situation, whether good or bad.  I can say that since beginning this study, I have increased my longing to be closer with the Lord and that is a blessing that is immeasurable.  The third word is the verb "shout". defines shout as to call or cry out loudly and vigorously, to speak or laugh noisily or unrestrainedly.  Without restraint, with my whole being, body and soul is a great way to describe worship to the utmost.  Carefree, without fear of judgment by others but worship in such a joyful manner that I hope that others will be encouraged to develop a closer relationship with God.  More importantly worship that my God delights in, that my Father enjoys. 

Last word - "faint".  The Commentary Critical and Explanation of the Whole Bible references faint as exhausted with desire.  So now you can all figure out why I need a fainting spell.  I need and strive toward a season of God time that leaves me exhausted with desire.  Working in this world so often leaves us exhausted, but not with a desire for God.  When the next time of frustration, stress, or temptation comes my way that leads me to crave something other than my Father and the joy that He has for me, I will remember Psalm 84:2.  I will turn to joyful worship, a time of total involvement with God, for "My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart, He is mine forever." Psalm 73:26.

I hope this link works for this great praise song has been in my mind this week ever since we received Psalm 84:2 as a focus scripture, Breathe by Michael W. Smith.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about our verse this week! There is no right or wrong answer, there is only how YOU interpret it! I love how you included definitions of the words and were so honest about your feelings. Thanks!

    Kris Danko (OBS Blog Hop Team)
